Continuous Improvement

Don’t settle for average when you can be so much more. Be Bold and Be Brave! It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re...

No Time To Waste

⁣A year from now, you want to be able to say you invested as much time as you could into my future. You want to...

Learn The Difference

It’s the weekend, enjoy yourself, and always remember that although fitness influencers make themselves look as impressive as possible on social media, it’s not the...

Let’s stay patient.

“How do I achieve that ideal look in two weeks time?” “How can I lose the most weight in the shortest amount of time?”  ——-...


Don’t look at your goals and ask what do I need to do to accomplish them. Visualize who you need to be to accomplish them....

Weekend Thoughts

It doesn’t matter if the world believes in you but you don’t even learn to believe in yourself.  All the skills, good looks, degrees and...

Friday Thoughts

Most people including your family and friends won’t believe in you… so you have to believe in yourself and do your own work....

Motivation Vs. Discipline

Motivation may get you started, but it won’t keep you going. And that’s not a knock on all of us personally, it’s just how motivation...

Tips To Avoid Overeating

Halloween is coming, so the sweets and treats aren’t going anywhere. —- We all just love food just as much as everyone else, maybe even...