Mastering Success: The Power of Discipline, Hard Work, and Smart Self-Promotion

“Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise” – this mantra encapsulates a philosophy that has driven countless successful people throughout history. It’s a blend of personal discipline, hard work, and strategic self-promotion. Let’s unpack this phrase and explore how it can be a guiding principle for both personal and professional success.

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

This part of the adage echoes Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” The idea is that by adhering to a disciplined sleep schedule, you can improve your health, which is foundational for success. Waking up early is often associated with increased productivity and a proactive mindset. It allows you to start your day with a sense of purpose and clarity, often ahead of the world’s distractions.

Work Like Hell

This phrase emphasizes the value of hard work and dedication. Success is rarely a product of chance; it’s the result of persistent, focused effort. Working hard doesn’t just mean putting in the hours; it also means working smart, setting clear goals, and persistently striving for excellence. It’s about pushing through challenges and setbacks, maintaining a strong work ethic, and continually seeking ways to improve and grow.


In today’s digital age, this part of the mantra is more relevant than ever. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or climbing the corporate ladder, making your achievements known is crucial. This doesn’t mean boasting or being overly self-promotional, but rather strategically positioning yourself and your work in front of the right audience. It’s about building a personal brand, networking, and effectively communicating your value proposition to the world.

Practical Applications in the Modern World

  1. Health and Productivity: Prioritizing sleep and waking up early can enhance cognitive function, mood, and overall health, contributing to better performance in your professional and personal life.
  2. Setting and Achieving Goals: Ambition and hard work are the engines of success. By setting clear, achievable goals, and relentlessly working towards them, you can achieve remarkable things.
  3. Self-Promotion and Networking: In an interconnected world, the ability to advertise yourself appropriately can open doors to new opportunities. It involves utilizing social media, attending networking events, or even blogging and content creation to share your knowledge and expertise.
  4. Work-Life Balance: While hard work is crucial, it’s equally important to maintain a work-life balance. Ensuring that you have time for rest and personal activities can prevent burnout and sustain your long-term productivity.

The Balance of Discipline and Flexibility

While the mantra promotes a disciplined approach to life and work, it’s important to adapt it to your personal circumstances and the modern work environment. Flexibility is key in a world where work hours can be unconventional, and the line between personal and professional life is increasingly blurred.


“Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise” is more than just a catchy phrase; it’s a philosophy that promotes a balanced approach to achieving success. It combines the virtues of discipline, hard work, and strategic self-promotion – each element playing a critical role in navigating the path to success. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or someone looking to make the most of your personal life, this mantra offers timeless wisdom to guide your journey.