Stay Fit During The Festive Season

Are you ready for the festive season? Are you worried about derailing your health and fitness goals? If so donā€™t worry you can thrive through the holiday by following these few tips. 

Here are things you can do to maintain your health goals.

1- Drink plenty of water and donā€™t skip meals. 

2- Plan your meal ahead of time. You can still eat to what ever ratio of foods you are. Vegetarian. Paleo. Carnivore – it all can be done just plan ahead. 

3- Be very careful about the alcohol this will reap havoc with your body and you may overload on the extra calories. For every drink of alcohol, compensate it with water.

4- Go for a walk after you eat. Light gentle exercise is great to aid in digestion and energy.

5- And last but not least have fun. Itā€™s one day maybe two if split amongst families. But enjoy yourself.

Donā€™t stress this at all. Enjoy the time with family and friends. 

And REMEMBER THIS – itā€™s one day you canā€™t do that much damage to your health and fitness. Enjoy – have fun – be kind – and be love.