Spend Your Time Wisely

Money lost can be made again but time lost is gone forever.

Give your time wisely, only to things which you deem important.

You canā€™t store it, you canā€™t mine it, itā€™s not a currency, itā€™s not tangible. Yet it can be recognized qualitatively and quantitatively. Now use your discernment here and feel into this. The foundation of economic principles states that resources are scarce, across the board. With that gnosis, one should be careful to manage those resources.

TIME is the ultimate resource, but even more so – In this material life, itā€™s the only resource we canā€™t replenish. You must always be aware of your time, you must protect it like a wolf from other beings trying to steal it from you. 

It needs to be crystal clear where you are spending the majority of your time, and consider it itā€™s leading you on the path towards freedom and success. 

Think about it, picture your most precious assets, jewels, cash, books, pictures, etc… imagine a thief stealing it all, tribe, your time is infinitely more valuable then all of those ā€œresourcesā€ combined. Itā€™s equivalent to the value of your life, which should be preserved at ALL COSTS.

Once you feel into this, you will start being aware of what is stealing your life away, and your focus will go directly to what builds your foundation, and protects your family.

Remember, you are bombarded with many distractions to steal your time, your life force, donā€™t let them.

Gossip, rumors, news, social media, all this regurgitated nonsense is designed to do ONE thing, TAKE YOU OFF YOUR MISSION. If you are absorbing garbage all day long, you excrete garbage. 

Itā€™s a simple design. You are what you eat. 

Today, realign your vision with real action.