Be Discipline With Yourself

It’s so easy to give into excuses, delay getting started, and find yourself on an emotional rollercoaster but once you focus on staying true to yourself, the journey gets a HECK of a lot SMOOTHER.

Every time you workout when you say you are going to…

Every time you meal prep when you planned to meal prep…

Every time you do cardio when you know you should…


You are casting votes for a healthier you.

You are transforming.

You are living life today for a better tomorrow. 💪🏻


But when you don’t, the scoreboard of votes start to lean back in the direction of OLD you instead of the NEW you.

That’s because you realize that the thoughts in your head or the words coming out of your mouth about how you want to change really don’t mean much. You are out of integrity with yourself. You are out of alignment and feel helpless because you’ve tried and tried but give up because the OLD you is triumphing instead of the person you want to become.

Realize this:

– It’s not easy or everyone else would be in great shape.

– Actions speak louder than words.

– Your past doesn’t dictate your future.

– You have the power to change and you have a 🧠 the 6” between your ears are the prerequisite to success.


Are you a follower or a leader?

Dreamer or doer?

Mentally weak or tough?