In our consumerist society, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that buying things will make us happy. Advertisements bombard us with the message that we need the latest and greatest products to be fulfilled. But the truth is, the emotional value of our purchases goes far beyond the price tag.

For many of us, our financial situation has a significant impact on how we feel about the things we buy. When money is tight, a new pair of shoes or a fancy gadget can feel like a luxury we can’t afford. But as our income increases, those same purchases may begin to feel like necessities.

It’s essential to recognize that the emotional value of our purchases is not solely determined by their monetary value. A $10 shirt that we picked out with care and wear regularly may bring us more joy than a $100 shirt that we bought on a whim and only wore once. Our emotional attachment to an item is often rooted in the experiences and memories associated with it, rather than its cost.

To maintain a sense of gratitude and appreciation for our purchases, regardless of our income level, we can shift our focus away from the price tag and towards the emotional value of the things we buy. When we buy something new, we can take the time to appreciate its design, functionality, and how it makes us feel. We can also be mindful of the experiences we have while using it, and the memories we create around it.

Ultimately, the emotional value of our purchases is a complex and personal matter. By taking the time to reflect on why we buy the things we do, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of our relationship with money and the things we own. With this awareness, we can make purchases that truly align with our values and bring us long-lasting happiness and fulfillment.

If you don’t believe it or don’t get it, I don’t have the time to try to convince you, sorry.
– Satoshi Nakamoto