Tips To Diet & Lose Weight For Young Guys & Men

A misconception that most people donā€™t understand is that, for the average joe, you canā€™t out-exercise a bad diet!

Here is some tips to make diet and meal planning easier to shed some weight off of you:

  • Learn to monitor your caloric intake. It’s way more effective to consume less than it is to work off through exercise.
  • Eating less in general/snacking less
  • No more fast food
  • Making healthy balanced meals at home
  • Cutting out certain foods, for example you may start cutting out sugar – No sugary drinks like soda, candy or sweets. That alone can keep some weight off you.
  • Planning: Know what you’re going to eat for the day. It’s way easier to stay on target if you have a plan for at least the day if not the week.
  • Not wanting to put the effort in is also a problem with many. It can be very hard to do for some of us. Foods can be a powerful addiction, and everyone’s level of willpower is different. Some people have to fight their urges tooth and nail for a lot longer, but that doesn’t mean the basic math of calories in vs. calories out is the issue.
  • Burn more calories than you consume: Do more by walking, exercising, running, lifting weight, household chores, etc. than eating.
  • Don’t starve yourself: Eat lean meats like chicken or fish along with veggies, you can actually intake quite a bit of food, but feel full for very few calories.
  • Remember, losing weight is a journey and not a destination. You may lose 1/2 lb each week, it can be slow, but so be it. Don’t get complacent. Take it one day, or one week at a time. If you messed up your diet in any week? No problem, do better next week.
  • Try intermittent fasting. Many fitness influencers canā€™t recommend it enough for people who just canā€™t get a handle on overeating. 
  • Have less snacks available around the house. You can’t eat what you don’t have. 
  • Protein instead of sugar and carbs, for example, have 2 eggs, with some kind of breakfast meat and maybe slap it on a low carb wrap. It’s filling and you won’t get hungry until lunchtime.
  • Develop a habit of drinking water regularly during the day. It’s super easy to do, and staying hydrated will help stop you from overeating while cutting out empty calories.
  • Eat little portions throughout the day instead of a few large, heavy meals.