20 Quotes & Lessons by Napoleon Bonaparte.

  1. “A Leader is a Dealer in Hope.”
  2. “If you Build an Army of 100 Lions and their Leader is a Dog, in any Fight, The Lions will Die like a Dog. But if you Build an Army of 100 Dogs and their Leader is a Lion, all Dogs will Fight as a Lion.”
  3. “Ability is of Little Account without Opportunity.”
  4.  “All Religions have been Made by Men.”
  5. “Give me an Educated Mother, I shall Promise you The Birth of a Civilized, Educated Nation.”
  6. “Envy is a Declaration of Inferiority.”
  7. “Never Interrupt your Enemy when He is Making a Mistake.”
  8. “The Extent of your Consciousness is Limited only by your Ability to Love and to Embrace with your Love The Space around you, and all it Contains.”
  9. “We Walk Faster when we Walk Alone.”
  10. “Victory is Not always Winning The Battle. But Rising Every Time you Fall.”
  11. “Impossible is a Word to be Found only in The Dictionary of Fools.”
  12. “The Battlefield is a Scene of Constant Chaos. The Winner will be The One who Controls that Chaos, both his Own and The Enemies.”
  13. “Glory is Fleeting, but Obscurity is Forever.”
  14. “The Best Cure for The Body is a Quiet Mind.”
  15. “Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have Founded Empires. But on what did we Rest The Creations of our Genius? Upon Force. Jesus Christ Founded his Empire upon Love; and at this Hour Millions of Men would Die for him.”
  16. “You become Strong by Defying Defeat and by Turning Loss into Gain and Failure to Success.”
  17. “There are but Two Powers in The World, The Sword and The Mind. In The Long Run The Sword is always Beaten by The Mind.”
  18. “In Politics, Stupidity is Not a Handicap.”