Your investment portfolio allocation should be tailored to match your specific financial goals. The right asset mix depends on your time horizon and risk tolerance. Here are some tips for constructing portfolios for different objectives:

Saving for Retirement – Retirement portfolios should emphasize long-term growth since your investment horizon is decades. Consider a higher allocation to stocks through broad market index funds. As you near retirement, gradually shift towards more conservative assets like bonds to preserve capital.

College Savings – For college savings, choose a mix of stock funds, bond funds and cash. Start aggressive when your child is young, then dial back risk as college approaches. Look for tax-advantaged 529 savings plans. 

Down Payment Fund – Building up money for a big purchase like a house down payment calls for a balanced approach. Aim for an equal mix of stocks and bonds. Add some cash as your target date nears. Keep money in accessible vehicles like high-yield savings.

Income Generation – An income generating portfolio should contain stocks with strong dividends, bonds, REITS and other assets that regularly distribute money to investors. Diversify across sectors, geographies and asset classes.

Emergency Fund – Conservative assets like savings accounts, CDs and short-term bonds are best for emergency savings you may need to tap at any time. Prioritize preservation of principal over growth. 

Adjust your investment mix over time to adapt to changing goals and market conditions. Rebalance periodically to maintain target allocations.