Saving money takes discipline, but with a plan and the right habits you can start putting away cash each month. Here are some steps to get you started:

1. Set clear savings goals. Decide what you want to save for – retirement, a house, vacation, etc. Having a specific goal in mind will motivate you to save consistently each month.

2. Make a budget. Track your income and expenses to identify areas where you can reduce spending. Even trimming $50-$100 a month in unnecessary expenses can boost your savings significantly over time.  

3. Automate your savings. The best way to save money each month is to have it come directly out of your paycheck (if possible) or automatically transferred from your checking account.

4. Start with small amounts. If saving larger sums seems overwhelming, start by automating even $25-$50 transfers to savings each month. Every little bit adds up over time.

5. Open a high-yield savings account. Shop around for the best interest rates to maximize the returns on your savings. Even modest interest can make a difference compounded over years.

6. Pay yourself first. Make saving money a priority bill that gets paid immediately after expenses like rent, utilities, etc. Treat it like a mandatory deduction from each paycheck.

7. Limit lifestyle inflation. As your income increases over time, resist the urge to increase spending at the same rate. Redirect some of the new funds to savings instead.

8. Cut unnecessary expenses. From subscription services to dining out, look for ways to trim $20-$50 here and there that you can contribute to your monthly savings goal. Every little bit helps.

9. Stay motivated! Track your progress, celebrate milestones, and envision how your savings will help you reach your goals. This can keep you on track and motivated to save money each and every month.