Peter Attia’s backward approach to fitness is a great example of how solving life backwards can help us achieve our goals. His “100-year-old decathlon” is a set of 10 physical challenges that he believes will help him maintain his physical ability well into his golden years. Rather than focusing on traditional exercises that target specific muscle groups, Attia’s approach is to prepare his body for real-world scenarios that he may encounter as he ages.

For example, one of the challenges in his decathlon is to climb a 20-foot rope, which requires not just arm strength but also core and leg strength. Another challenge involves carrying a 50-pound sandbag up a steep hill, which requires both upper and lower body strength, as well as cardiovascular endurance.

Attia’s approach is not just about physical fitness but also about mental and emotional fitness. By solving life backwards and focusing on real-world scenarios, he is preparing himself for the challenges he may face as he ages, both physically and mentally.

Attia’s approach is a great inspiration for anyone looking to design a workout tailored to their future needs. By identifying the specific challenges they may face in the future and working backwards to determine the necessary skills and abilities, they can design a workout that is both practical and effective.

In conclusion, solving life backwards is a powerful tool for achieving success in all areas of life, including fitness.