Training vs. working out

Training is much different than working out because you put intention behind everything that you do. Yes, you are still picking up weight and putting it down butā€¦

  • Every rep matters.
  • Every set counts.
  • Every session is maximized.

For one reason: you are chasing a goal.

Whether that be to build muscle or burn body fat, you take your strength training seriously because you are hungry working towards something that will come to fruition.

In contrast, a lot of people ā€œworkout to workoutā€

They program hop or freestyle their workouts.

Donā€™t try to push themselves or progressively overload.

Perhaps, they are distracted during their session and donā€™t really know why they are there.

Whatever it may be, do not judge. But when you make the mentality shift from working out to training – your results will multiply, which will make your lifting sessions that much more exciting and fun.