We are so distracted in a consumption and instant gratification society that itā€™s hard to separate and get clear on what needs to get done.

We overload our to-do lists with tons of tasks that never get checked off and weā€™re slowly conditioning ourselves to accept average and unfinished as the standard.

The Hustle culture is not having a To Do list with 20 items a day and looking busy with it half completed, itā€™s getting your 3 items done (quality over quantity) and stacking wins daily.

Thatā€™s how you can do better and win at this game.

Try this:

1. Take a notebook out and write out your 3 critical tasks that will move the yardsticks forward in your business

2. Eat the frog ā€” knock out your DIFFICULT tasks first thing in the morning if possible

3. Write a capital W for WINNING next to the difficult item right after you complete them.

4. Repeat this for 1 week and review your progress. You would have already acquired more mental capital to tackle on more difficult challenges.